Back after a 3 month hiatus! - What's coming soon.

Here's why I haven't been able to post to this blog for the past three months:

September - Focussed on learning DSA for coding and got caught up with work. Also was excited about the upcoming trip and was planning/doing purchases.

October - Took the month off to travel back home after 4 years. Arrived in Canada in September 2018 as a student and now went back home as a working professional with experience. It was a very good visit and got to visit family after a long time.

November - This month, I'm focusing on learning Java. I have the silliest reason for learning this programming language, I picked up this book called Cracking The Coding Interview by Gaayle McDowell and all the solutions to the coding DSA problems are in Java. Also, on the Leetcode website, when you look at the official solutions, more often than not, the solutions are in Java there as well. 

I also figured Java would be a good language to learn for the following reasons:

1. Since Java is an Object-oriented programming language, it will help improve my skills in OOP. 

2. Java can run on machine with JVM (Java Virtual Machine) thus enabling me to write and run programs on Android devices as well.

3. Good to know more than one programming language as well! 


In the coming days, I plan to add a few blog posts about what I've been learning on Java.

Also, since I've joined back at the company, there has been an exciting new change, my old job was given to a colleague and now I get to learn and work on a completely new tech stack that is more complex and challenging. The new tech stack is based on VIO (VMware Integrated OpenStack) with Kubernetes and managed through Terraform IaC tool, if time permits, I will try to write some blogs on the management of production level infrastructure.


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