Another reading list summary
Wow! It's December already. :) Wanted to pen down some of my thoughts from the books that I've gotten to read recently. 1. Moonwalking with Einstein by Joshua Foer This book delves into the world of memory and memory competitions. At first glance, competing in these kind of competitions seems to be possible only by someone with Savant syndrome like the Raymond from the Rain Man movie. Dustin Hoffman (plays Raymond) next to Tom Cruise But, this is in fact a learnable skill and anyone with dedication and effort can improve their memory which this book highlights as it follows the author's journey to improve his memory and participate in the American memory competition. Example memory competition event One of the things that I'm taking away from this book is the concept of Memory Palaces (which I first came across from Sherlock, the hit British TV show) and how to leave vivid, memorable images in it. Another takeaway is the 'Major system' to remember numbers. Th...